Hold ETHBond AI
Earn Ethereum

Invest in ETHBond AI and enjoy the world of rewards and benefits in Crypto Ecosystem.

Liquidity: 100 %

Anti Whale



What Makes ETHBond AI different?

We have grown to be a strong core project based on our community of holders who have put their faith and trust in us due to our dedication to success and unparalleled transparency. Our smart contract is fully audited and we hold weekly voice calls or AMA to keep our community up to date on the project as well as taking feedback and suggestions. Most importantly, the biggest differentiator is that ETHBond AI pays dividends to holders in the form of Pegged ETH. Dividends are transferred to holders free of gas fees – which has never been done before.

 Every step of the project is taken with the utmost care and precaution. As the saying goes, sometimes the fastest way isn’t always the best way – Sometimes the best things in life take time.

How to buy $EBA

  • Download and set up MetaMask or Trust Wallet 
  • Purchase ETH (ERC-20) and send to your wallet address
  • Revisit this section of our website, or visit our Dashboard.
  • Insert the amount of ETH you would like to swap for $EBA
  • Change the slippage amount to between 1%-15%. Depending on the buy and sell pressure, higher slippage may be necessary
  • Press “Swap” and confirm the transaction in your wallet 
  • Congratulations – welcome to the ETHBond AI community!

If you prefer the Uniswap option, click “select a currency”, and enter and import the $EBA contract address:


Market Cap


Holders Worldwide


Followers on SM platforms



Innovative Tokenomics

0 % on buy / sell for ETH Rewards

Our holders will enjoy the benefit of being rewarded with Pegged-ETH by just holding our token.

To be eligible for dividend, holders need to have  a minimum of 200,000 $EBA

Rewards will be proportional to the number of tokens held by holders

0% on buy / 0% on sell for Marketing Tax

The marketing tax is spent on frequent influencer posts, posts on renowned crypto websites, etc., to ensure consistent visibility throughout the cryptocurrency space.

0% on buy / 0% on sell for Automatic addition to Liquidity

It will be added automatically to the Liquidity Pool on Uniswap (PCS)

0% on buy / 0% on sell for Development

Development tax is used towards development of future utilities such as staking pool,  voting dashboard, the community and further utilities


Buy $EBA now.

Invest in ETHBond AI and enjoy the world of rewards and benefits in Crypto Ecosystem.

We encourage all investors to get to know us! We had numerous investment successes, but we aren’t immune to the scams in the crypto space. We still advice you to Do Your Own Research (DYOR) before investing with us.


Our ERC-20 Smart Contract is as follow :

We recommend verifying it on ETH SCAN.

By purchasing a minimum of 200,000 EBA, you will be eligible for rewards proportional to the amount of token you hold.

Rewards will automatically be sent to your wallet. You can also claim your rewards manually by connecting your wallet to our dashboard and paying minimal ETH gas fee.

We have some exciting utilities to be released in the near future, we will start with releasing a new token called ETHBond AI Burn (EBA) Token, followed by staking, community voting in the dashboard and a community investment pool . We are also working toward branching off to different blockchain – Polygon

We are always working in the best interests of the community. EBA Token will be used to actively burn EBA while also providing EBA reflections. Staking will reward holders with additional EBA, while continuing to earn Pegged ETH. Voting apps will not cost any gas fees to vote as it will be off-chain. Lastly, branching off to other chains will allow us more exposure.

Get in touch

Do you have a question or proposal for us?
Use this form to contact us and someone will be in touch with you soon!

© 2024 ETHBond AI. All rights reserved.